#Batch compress video files windows 10
I guess you can do similar things also on Windows 10 PowerShell, but I'm not faimiliar with it, and can't help. If you already have basic scripting skills (or you're willing to learn them) you can make scripts a lot more powerful and complex and than this trivial one, and even make it replace originals with converted files, as you said in your question. Many of these will compress the video and downgrade the quality. HandBrakeCLI -preset "PresetName" -i /path/to/sourceN -o /path/to/any/destinationN Launch MacX Video Converter Pro and click the button with a + icon to load the video. HandBrakeCLI -preset "PresetName" -i /path/to/source2 -o /path/to/any/destination2 HandBrakeCLI -preset "PresetName" -i /path/to/source1 -o /path/to/any/destination1 Use the slowest that you have patience for: ultrafast, superfast, veryfast, faster, fast, medium (the default), slow, slower, veryslow.-movflags +faststart: Allows video to playback before it is completely downloaded in the case of progressive download viewing. If you're familiar with the command line, another way to solve this problem could be writing a script that use HandBrakeCLI.įor example, on Ubuntu (or any other GNU/Linux system) you can write a very basic script like this (for details see the CLI documentation page): #!/bin/bash A slower preset provides better compression (quality per file size) but is slower. Handbrake will put converted files in your specified destination folder, but you won't have any name collision problem. Still, you can avoid name collisions checking the Automatically name output files option in the Preferences window, and making sure Title is part of the File Format field, as explained in the documentation.

AFAIK, it's not possible at the moment to tell Handbrake to replace original files neither to save them in the source folder.